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File - Flag Response v2.1
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Developer Crunchy
Last Update Jan 14, 2009 - 19:38
Version 2.1
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File Tags flag  response  
Flag Response v2.1
23rd April 2000

This is an advanced version of one of the first ever scripts, written by KillerBunny.

Presto Pack v0.93 or later
Zear's NewOpts v0.966 or later

Read the Readme_FlagRepsonse.txt for installation instructions.


This script has messaging that will improve team awareness of each flags status. It is easy to miss flag messages and if you have taken the enemy flag you don't want to be fidling with the chat menu!

If you take the enemy flag the script will say "I have the enemy flag!" and then "I need backup NOW!" for you. The script is intelligent in that it waits a few seconds and then checks that you still have the flag. A lot of grabs end in a drop withing a few seconds because of enemy defence / mines / turrets.

When your flag is taken the script will say for you "<player> has taken our flag!". To stop the whole team spamming the same message the script trys to ensure that only one person will say it. The script staggers the messages by using a random delay. The scripts then listen for other ppl saying the same thing and stop if someone else has said it. This works most of the time, sometimes two scripts end up with the same deplay and they both say it. However it works well enough to be useful and not a pain in the neck :).

The script will center print all flag events at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds. The chat box is often too busy to be able to see all the flag events so having the info presented elsewhere is very useful. The script gives info of who took the flag etc.

Finally you can get the script to say something when you cap, it's nice to celbrate your own caps :). The 3 default messages are very boring, so edit the list at the bottom of the script.

Changes in v2.1:
AutoLoad compatible, using a autoloading volume file.
Added option to run off the second message ("I need backup NOW") that you say when you take the flag.
Moved the cap messages into a seperate file to make editing possible.

Changes in v2.0:
Complete rewrite, had some better ideas.
Added optional "<player> has taken our flag!" message when your flag is taken. If other players are using the same script only one player will say this.
Added second message when you take the flag, will say "I have the enemy flag!" and then "I need backup NOW!".
Turned off center prints for observer mode.
NewOpts options menu.
Toggle options on and off with a key in the game.

Changes in v1.3:
Cap messages are added with a function and use the method from Presto's say.cs.
Added banner to main screen (Presto Pack v0.93).
Changed preference system to make it slightly easier.
Added flood protect on flag take, can be useful.
Fixed bug where centre prints would stay on screen, Thanks to Shaz for spotting that one :)
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