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File - z0dd script pack
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Developer Paul "z0dd" Paella
Last Update Jan 14, 2009 - 16:55
Size 58KB
Type ZIP
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z0dd script pack

This pack includes the following scripts:
z0dd_cg.cs: Fires the chaingun in short bursts. It's believed the chaingun fires a narrower cone of bullets during first few moments of firing. This script makes the CG fire successive rounds of these narrow bursts. From my observations, this script makes hitting someone with the CG more difficult, but when you hit you do a lot more damage.

z0dd_chat.cs: This script replaces the existing chat menu with all of the the chat messages the developers left out, while retaining all of the original chat messages. This means you don't need to download any extra sound filea to hear the new voices.

z0dd_chat2.cs: This script replaces the existing chat menu with all of the the chat messages the developers left out, while retaining all of the original chat messages. This means you don't need to download any extra sound filea to hear the new voices.

z0dd_drop_blaster.cs: Drops blaster and readies a prioritized weapon that has ammo.

z0dd_dropmines.cs: Drops mines.

z0dd_Elfer: Holding down a single button will automatically switch your weapon to the Elf and fire it until you let go of the button. Upon relelase, you'll switch back to the weapon you held before you pressed the Elfer key.

z0dd_gamma.cs: This script allows you increase and decrease your gamma WHILE playing! One key bind is set up to increase gamme and another is decreasing.

z0dd_hud.cs: A HUD made by z0dd, read the .cs file for a complete list of features, there are a lot.

z0dd_incoming.cs: This script binds the numbers on the numeric keypad to messages that inform your team which direction enemies are coming from. The keys are mapped to the standard compass directions. For example, pressing kp6 tells your teamates "Enemies: EAST".

z0dd_kit.cs: The single key bind in this scrpit replaces your "use repair kit" key. Use this script when you are damaged and use it when you're damaged and you're at an inventory station. If used at an inventory station it will buy and use enough repair kits to eventually bring you to full health; which means you can immediately walk away from the station. Bind the key to whatever key you use for Repair Kit.

z0dd_msgbox.cs: This script allows clients to change the size of the message box. It allows sizes of 1-10. The dafult keys CONTROL+1 to CONTROL+0 are mapped to sizes 1 to 10.

z0dd_needrepairs.cs: This script maps 9 ALT keys to repair messages. These are the mapped keys:
ALT+c = "Can someone repair ME?"
ALT+e = "ELF TURRETS need repairs!"
ALT+d = "INDOOR TURRETS need repairs"
ALT+g = "GENERATORS need repairs!"
ALT+i = "INVENTORY STATIONS need repairs!"
ALT+m = "MORTAR TURRET needs repairs!"
ALT+p = "PLASMA TURRETS need repairs"
ALT+r = "ROCKET TURRET needs repairs"
ALT+v = "VEHICLE STATION/PAD needs repairs"
ALT+w = "Our WHOLE BASE needs repairs"

z0dd_SellAll.cs: Sells all your stuff.

z0dd_sensitivity.cs: Press a key to cycle between 3 sensitivity settings. The first setting is your regular sesnsistivity value. The second is used to make scout piloting easier. The 3rd is used to make your controls EXTREMELY sesnsitive, thus making you VERY difficult to hit when piloting a scout.

z0dd_ski.cs: So you want to ski like the pros? Here is your ticket. Simply hold down the ski key (default is spacebar) and you'll qualify for the olympic skiing team!

z0dd_spew.cs: Allows clients to quickly toss items from Inventory Stations. There are 3 different spewing modes.

z0dd_throw_gren.cs: Press a key to throw one grenade as far as possible.

z0dd_throw_mine.cs: Press a key to throw one mine as far as possible.

z0dd_thrower.cs: Press one key to toggle the throwing of all your grenades and/or mines. You can customize this script to throw just mines, just grenades, or both. If both, you can interleave the throwing of grenades and mines or you can throw all grenades then all mines. There's also a key that lets you switch between throwing them close to you and as throwing them as far as possible.
This is a complete rewrite of my z0dd_deathtoss.cs script.

z0dd_vcr.cs: Allow control of the playback speed of demos.

z0dd_waypoints.cs: This script allows you to cycle through predfine WPs with a single key bind. There's a key bind that allows you change which WPs are included in the cycling. The three settings are "friendly", "enemy" and all "friendly and enemy and neutral" waypoints.

z0dd_zoomsnipe.cs: Holding down a single button will automatically switch your weapon to the Laser Rifle, make you crouch, and zoom in your view. Upon release, you'll un-zoom, stand erect, and you'll switch back to the weapon you held before you pressed the ZoomSnipe key.
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