Metaltech: Earthsiege is a mecha-style simulation game developed by Dynamix and released in 1994. Earthsiege is the first in a long line of games set in the same universe.
In Earthsiege, players are placed in the cockpit of various massive bipedal war machines known as HERCULANs (Humaniform-Emulation Roboticized Combat Unit with Leg-Articulated Navigation) (or 'HERCs' for short). Set in the 25th or 26th century, Earthsiege is a technologically advanced setting with many futuristic weapons and vehicles. Earthsiege takes place across North America, South America, Antarctica, and Asia.
Earthsiege uses VGA graphics and displays at 320×200 resolution with 256 colors. Due to technical limitations of the time, the terrain is mostly flat and featureless, other than occasional jutting rocks and small hills. Vehicle models and some buildings feature textures.