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File - Starburst
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Last Update Aug 26, 2009 - 22:10
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Mission Type: Capture the Flag
Author: Hamster_of_Doom!
Questions, Comments, Pity:
ICQ: 25400277
AIM: Rover v1
Map Version: 1.0
Map Type: Server-Side
Planet: Amacon
System: Dairkith Weeps
Gravity: Normal
Weather: Cloudy
Time of Day: Midday
Date: September 14th, 4001
Campaign: Phoenix Rising
# of Captures to Victory: 8
# of Teams: 2
Max # of Players: 24
Briefing: Listen up soldiers! Both fate and skill won us the Ritual Battle of Showdown. It also should have won us this war. But our enemy is without honor! Though they should have accepted their defeat, it was but a diversion! Now I can, and I must, disclose to you what is at stake. One of our premiere techs, Azreal has managed to tap an ancient power in the deserts of Amacon. This enegery can instantly heal all effects of damage on machine and man! Though similair technology has been available, it has always been fleeting, and only worked on flesh. We need this technology to heal our sick, and strengthen our warriors. Only Amacon is known to possess this unique energy. All of this was a closely guarded secret. But while we were focused on the honorable ritual battle, our enemy sent spies and infiltrated one of our information relay stations. We would feel shame at being such an easy defeat, if it were not for the terrible crime that our enemy has committed by violating the Tribal Pact. Though you veterans should not be in active duty, we must ask you to take on this battle, as we must act now to stop the enemy. We do not have time for reinforcements.

Failure is not an option.


There are two flags per side.
Each team also has two identical bases, across from each other.
You must own the Energy Stream in order to reap its curative properties.
If you don't it will short-cicuit your energy systems.
If your systems are damaged, you must pass through the energy stream when it is under your control to fix your suit.
Either that or ctrl-k.
There are no turrets, so make sure to put up a stong defense.

Thanks to:
Shadow of Death and Tedaw for debuting my maps on their server!
Omnipotent & others for their mapping tutorials.
The mapping community at large for inspiration, demonstration, and perspiration.
And of course the team at Dynamix for Tribes!
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