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File - TA Actor Classes
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Developer Krogoth
Last Update Dec 02, 2018 - 20:24
Size 2.62MB
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These are the actor classes for TA so that you can place flags, turrets, gens, etc. in the uDK when you make your map.

These files are only needed for MAPPERs.

Place the TribesGame folder in:

Place the TA_BaseAssets.upk in:

When you start the UDK, it will tell you that the scripts are outdated, press Yes. When it is done, it will tell you it was successful. Close the window, and restart the UDK.

In the Content Browser, go to the Actors tab.
You will now see a Tribes category.
In the Tribes category, you will see BloodEagle, DiamondSword, and Neutral categories. These have their respective items in them.
Drag and drop the items you want, and they will show up in the editor. They show up black in the editor, but will show up correctly in-game.
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