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ZIP Client Side Name Protection
Client Side Name Protection Made by WorstAim. Required on servers running WorstAim's Server Side Name Protection. It protects you from being smurfed on the server.
329 Aug 24, 2009
ZIP MineBeacon
MineBeacon Deploys a beacon and mine.
278 Jan 14, 2009
RAR Name Protection
Name Protection When used, the script prevents smurfs, by registering nicknames.
316 Jan 14, 2009
ZIP Server Side Name Protection
Server Side Name Protection by: WorstAim Used in conjuction with Client Side Name Protection to protect people from being smurfed on servers.
332 Aug 24, 2009
ZIP Tribes Array Function Library
Tribes Array Function Library by: WorstAim A library of array functions.
367 Aug 25, 2009
ZIP WorstAim's Crash Protection
WorstAim's Crash Protection In some cases people who sent messages containing "\" would crash a player. This script fixes that, and tells who crashed you and with what.
332 Jan 14, 2009
ZIP WorstAim's Crash Protection Pack
WORSTAIM'S CRASH PROTECTION PACK DESCRIPTION: This pack contains a patch to every vulnerability and exploit that exists in Starsiege: Tribes - Base Mod from the 1.11 patch and up that I am ...
403 Aug 24, 2009
ZIP XCalibur Admin v8.0
XCalibur Admin v8.0 Extremely detailed Admin mod, includes a menu for altering all aspects of a server.
382 Jan 14, 2009
ZIP XCalibur v8.0
XCalibur v8.0 This is an administration script you run in your mod.
365 Aug 24, 2009
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