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File - Zadmin 0.935
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Downloads 507
Views 1,422
Developer Andrew
Last Update Jul 01, 2009 - 18:16
Version 0.935
Size 219.8KB
Type ZIP
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File Tags zadmin  server  

Zadmin is an admin mod for tribes originally written by rated z (eric lanz) and upgraded by me (andrew). my versions are bastard versions of his original script coupled with a somehwat extreme overhaul of tribes default scripts.vol.

Just unvol scripts.vol to see all the inner workings, im not hiding any suspect functions in a compressed, unreadable vol. if you think otherwise, you obviously don't have the mental capacity to read

fsb-ao made the timestamper and iplogging code btw..

Active Server functions for various events (Flag/Kill/Item), to help reduce client side message parsing (View example client-side active script)
Modified scoring based on project.stat (Out for now)
User definable admin levels
Global muting by name/ip on join, and from in-game
Failsafe inventory spam protection (so far)
Timestamped admin and connection logs (FSB-AO)
Multiple level join password management (Default zAdmin)
AFK daemon to kick inactive players

New in 0.935
Stripped out LastHope, use the new and improved LastHope/mem.dll from or local copy instead. Extract mem.dll & 0.935 zadmin to your Tribes dir and it should be all set up.
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