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ZIP Animated Sky
Animated Sky This will animate your sky in Tribes, so that it feels more realistic.
474 Jul 01, 2009
RAR Command Map Dumper Mem.dll
mem.dll (command map dumper) By: Andrew ( Dumps the command map to a 1024x1024 RGB .raw file in "Tribes/Temp" when the client function rebuildCommandMap() is called (aka on mission load). File name ...
456 Mar 10, 2010
ZIP Hudbot Energy and Health
Hudbot Energy and Health Made by: Andrew Converted by: AnubiS This is the health and energy huds from Hudbot converted to work with Tribes 1.40. Preview
366 May 24, 2010
ZIP Hudbot.0.5.18 by: Andrew Hudbot is an add-on that allows Tribes to use true color skins and HUDs. It has now been integrated with mem.dll so you no longer need to run a ...
423 May 17, 2009
ZIP Last Hope 1.30
If you wish to play on servers that run Tribes v1.30, then you will need this. It is suggested that you make a back-up of your original Tribes.exe before ...
1,081 Jun 07, 2008
ZIP Lush Textures
Lush Textures Special thanks to Andrew, for without him, this could not have been possible. Your programs for the little things make a HUGE overall difference. r@ndom for the good conversation and hexing ...
479 Aug 26, 2009
ZIP Mars World Textures
Mars World Textures Special thanks to Andrew, for without him, this could not have been possible. Your programs for the little things make a HUGE overall difference. r@ndom for the good conversation and ...
396 Aug 26, 2009
PBA Edit By: Andrew My utility was originally intended to view Phoenix Bitmap Arrays, but I later expanded it to view Phoenix Bitmaps as well. The palette detection is almost perfect, save ...
441 Mar 10, 2010
ZIP RealTime
RealTime Uses Andrew's time stamp patch to get the current time displayed in Tribes.
317 Jan 16, 2009
ZIP ReminderHUD
ReminderHUD Uses Andrew's time stamp patch, and pops up a Hud at specified time. DonĀ“t let ur noodle cook until there is no water anymore =)
327 Jan 16, 2009
ZIP ScriptGL v0.0.20
ScriptGL v0.0.20 By: GreyHound Basically, this lets you draw your huds onto the screen instead of using actual images. Preview If you have problems with the screenshot function use this (0.0.21) dll. It's the ...
370 May 11, 2011
RAR T1 Happy Jump Patch
t1 happy jump patch by Andrew OVERVIEW This patch turns the "IDACTION_TURNLEFT" (or "Turn Left" key in the Options Screen) into a "perfect" ski script. you may bind your spacebar to "Turn ...
383 May 17, 2009
TimeHUD Uses Andrew's time stamp patch to print the time in a HUD. Requirements NewOpts PrestoPack v0.93
327 Jan 16, 2009
Shayk-N'-Bake and Kirkesp
RAR Tribes Vista Fix (mem.dll version)(by Andrew)
A standalone library that eliminates the requirement of the/a patched executable. Extract this to your Tribes directory, and run your normal Tribes.exe. ( Supports Tribes Versions 1.11, 1.30 and 1.31 ...
872 Sep 02, 2008
ZIP Verdana Font
Verdana Font By: Andrew Converted by Alarik for 1.40
347 Dec 14, 2010
ZIP Zadmin 0.935
Zadmin Overview Zadmin is an admin mod for tribes originally written by rated z (eric lanz) and upgraded by me (andrew). my versions are bastard versions of his original script coupled with ...
507 Jul 01, 2009
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