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File - Welcome v2.4.1
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Developer Crunchy
Last Update Jan 14, 2009 - 19:53
Version 2.4.1
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Welcome v2.4.1
2nd June 1999

My first ever script, the latest version doesn't look much like my original script though :). Wow, this was pre-Presto Pack, I'm starting to feel old.

Presto Pack v0.92 or later

This script automatically welcomes people. Who it welcomes depends on how you set it up, how to do this is described below.
Read the Readme.txt for installation instructions.

Use these functions to add your own messages:

Persons name, could be part of their name. Eg. "Wal" would match "Waldaize".

Badge of the tribe of the person.

Wav file and asociated text using the Say convention from the Presto pack.

Optional overiding text.

Use this function to add the data for the ppl to greet. The tribe badge is optional, if the peron doesn't have a tribe then use "". The badge is seperate from the name to allow powerful matching. For example in my tribe some ppl use a space between the badge and their name and others don't. It won't matter if the person is "|HH| Switch" or "|HH|Switch" or even "Switch|HH|". The third and fourth arguments use the Say convention that comes with the Presto pack.

Persons name, could be part of their name. Eg. "Wal" would match "Waldaize".

Badge of the tribe of the person.

Text message.

Like AddGreet() but only displays the text and doesn't play a wav file.

Badge of the tribe.

Wav file and asociated text using the Say convention from the Presto pack.

Optional overiding text.

Similar to AddGreet() this function is for generic messages to anyone from the same tribe. All of specific greets using AddGreet() should come before the tribe ones added using AddTribeGreet(). This is to ensure that the people that have specific greets always get those in preference to the generic tribe ones. Refer to the example below.

Badge of the tribe.

Text message.

Like AddTribeGreet() but only displays the text and doesn't play a wav file.

Add something like this to your autoexec.cs after the line for the Presto Pack.


Welcome::AddGreet("Rico", "|HH|", sayHi);
Welcome::AddGreetTextOnly("Wal", "|HH|", "Hiya Wal!");

Welcome::AddTribeGreet("|HH|", yellAllRight, "Head Hunters are in da House!");
Welcome::AddTribeGreetTextOnly("[McM]", "Take cover! It's McMental!");

In this example, specific ppl like Rico have personalized messages. If someone from |HH| tribe doesn't match one of the specific messages they will get a generic message.

Changes in v2.4.1:
Reformatted v2.4 so that it is consistent with my other scripts.
Used correct way to check that the client message was from yourself.

Changes in v2.4:
You can enable the script to send a message when you join a team. Thanks GrymReaper for the idea :)

Changes in v2.3:
Rewritten to use the Presto script pack.
The script will co-exist, with no editing, with other Presto pack scripts.
Uses the Say script from the Presto pack for wav files and ascociated text.
Interface split into four functions.
Various improvements to the code.

Changes in v2.2:
Added random delay to messages. This staggers greets to the same person made by different ppl.

Changes in v2.1:
Script disabled when the server is in Tournament mode.
You can use the function welcomeAddGreet() to add the data.
Script is now stand-alone, all data is passed to script with the welcomeAddGreet function.

Changes in v2.0:
Complete rewrite.
Messages are no longer hard coded, messages stored in easy to edit tables.
Person or tribe is greeted only once and not everytime they change teams.
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