Files |
File Name |
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Added On/Developer |
Average Life Expectancy Hud
lists your average life expectancy.
PrestoPack v0.93
Writer's Support Pack
535 |
Jan 20, 2009 VéKTöR
AMMO HUD by HotCheese
AMMO HUD by HotCheese
Based off of the one in Viking Pack by Runar.
PrestoPack v0.93
567 |
Jan 16, 2009 HotCheese
AmmoHUD v1.2.1
AmmoHUD v1.2.1
Displays your ammo in a HUD.
520 |
Jan 14, 2009 Rayn
Animated Health and Energy HUD
Animated Health and Energy HUD
By: Z
Full health:
The white is of course your energy bar.
393 |
Dec 23, 2010 Z
Animated Health and Energy HUD (Groove)
Animated Health and Energy HUD
By: Z
Modified by: Groove
440 |
Dec 27, 2010 Z
Block Health and Energy
Block HUD
By: Z
334 |
Dec 14, 2010 Z
Block Health and Energy Bright
Block HUD - Bright version
Block HUD by Z
Modified by Groove
372 |
Dec 14, 2010 Z
BooMHUD (formerly known as WeapHUD, not to be confused with WepHUD by shokugE) is a small HUD for tracking/displaying almost all kills you made as well as all deaths suffered, ...
523 |
Jan 15, 2009 Mannkind
In short, BudHud lets you easily waypoint friendly players, enemy players, flag carriers. It lets you keep
tabs on any buddies you may have online. It lets you dynamically add or ...
570 |
Jan 16, 2009 VéKTöR
CD HUD v1.7
CD HUD v1.7
Audio CD player for Tribes. Allows more control over playing tracks or an entire CD from within Tribes.
PrestoPack v0.93
385 |
Jan 15, 2009 Vacas_SixStringz
Chat HUD Editor
A 1.40 version of this.
Made for 1.40 by DaJ4ck3L
To edit guis command is guieditor();
Make sure to type this in game in the console you can use this function to make ...
436 |
Dec 13, 2010 BigBunny
Chat HUD Editor 2.0
Chat HUD Editor 2.0
This script gives you the possibility to change the amount of lines when changing the Chat-HUD size. Lets the "u"-key link to this script and it will ...
445 |
Jan 04, 2009 BigBunny
ChatHUDHider v0.3
ChatHUDHider v0.3
By MrPoop
This idea was inspired whilst trolling through the PSS forums. Screen
space is a limited chunk of real estate. This script hides your Tribes
chatHUD with several configurable ...
397 |
Jan 16, 2009 MrPoop
Clock Hud
Clock Hud
Welcome to the wonderful world of Clock Hud.
Tells the real time.
Installation instructions.
1.) put ClockHud.avl.vol in your tribes\config directory.
2.) run ClockHud.exe, set directory in program. keep running while playing
3.) boot ...
409 |
Aug 25, 2009 Sgarissta
Clock HUD (Legendz)
Clock HUD
Shows the remaining time on the map.
435 |
Dec 13, 2010 DaJ4ck3L
CmdHUD 1.3a
CmdHUD 1.3a (updated 6/3/99)
Have you ever been at an Inventory Station or had the Commander Map up when, all of a sudden, the enemy walks right up in front of ...
491 |
Jan 02, 2009 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
CowboyHUD 2.3
CowboyHUD 2.3
Have you ever been in a super-crazy melee where there are SO MANY kills and deaths happening all around you that you don't have any idea who you killed ...
540 |
Jan 03, 2009 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
CTF HUD (Legendz)
Adds a transparent gray background to the CTF HUD.
402 |
Dec 13, 2010 DaJ4ck3L
CTFHuD v1.4
CTFHuD v1.4
CTFHuD is a heads-up-display script intended to increase your awareness within the game by showing vital information on your screen. The primary goal of CTFHuD is to maximize ...
414 |
Jan 14, 2009 Rayn
Basically a SplitMsg style hud, but all text based.
Stripped Version
Presto Version
439 |
Jan 16, 2009 Bryan "daerid" Ross
Once again, |HH|Crunchy throws out a good one. Based on |HH|Waldaize's original DeeHUD script, and modified by Crunchy, it allows you to freely fly a vehicle while viewing the command ...
390 |
Jan 15, 2009 Crunchy
Defense HUD v1.31
Defense HUD v1.31
Defense HUD is a simple hud meant for defenders who want to keep track of teammates
being killed. For example, if I'm front door HD with I/O MeSlayer on ...
380 |
Jan 16, 2009 deRost
DemoHUD++ 1.2
DemoHUD++ 1.2 (updated 7/15/00)
You're thinking, "Why would a DemoHUD need a NewOpts page?"
Well, it would if Cowboy was making it! :)
You can set all the important (and all the unimportant) ...
454 |
Jan 03, 2009 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Drop HUD v1.3
Drop HUD v1.3
23rd April 2000
Original concept by |HH|Rico.
Icons designed by |HH|Crunchy and |HH|Rico. Do NOT use the icons without permission.
PrestoPack v0.93
The HUD displays an icon that represents the currently ...
376 |
Jan 14, 2009 Crunchy
Energy And Life
Energy And Life Bars By: ? /// ///
Step 1:
Put the EnergyAndLife in your Dynamix/Tribes/base/skins folder.
Step 2:
Turn on Tribes and ENJOY!
Step 3:
Post feedback ...
393 |
Aug 24, 2009 admin
EngyHud v2
EngyHudv2 -- By Pyro
This Hud originated as my (pyro) idea but then shad0 kind of took it and claimed all the credit as his. So now i am rewriting this ...
384 |
May 17, 2009 Pyro
FishHUD v1.2
FishHUD v1.2 by SuckerFish
FishHUD is essentially a major rewrite of DynHUD, written by KillerBunny. I noticed that DynHUD was missing kills occasionally, so I decided to take a closer ...
386 |
Aug 25, 2009 SuckerFish
Flag Status Hud v1.0
Flag Status Hud by Mental Trousers
Version 1.0
This script only supports Ctf game play. There isn't any code in it to figure out
which variant of the game is being played, ...
384 |
May 17, 2009 Shane "Mental Trousers" Taylor
FlagCapsHUD v1.1
FlagCapsHUD! 1.1 (updated 7/16/99)
All right... Here's the FlagCapsHUD! NewOpts config page!
Requires Presto Pack v0.93 or later, ObjectiveHUD, and Zear's NewOpts supported & STRONGLY recommended!
This little picture explains what the different ...
389 |
Jan 03, 2009 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
FlagHunterHUD v1.6
FlagHunterHUD v1.6
This HUD tracks flags you are carrying, their value, your total points, kills and deaths for the mission type Hunter!
-Tracks total flags you are holding as well ...
392 |
Jan 15, 2009 Vacas_SixStringz