This little picture explains what the different lines in the HUD mean, It lets you specify the screen position, the default display and "taunt" modes, and define keys to toggle both! (If you don't have NewOpts, you CAN edit the script manually to change those settings, but you'd be detter off getting NewOpts! (It rules)
You probably want to place the HUD in one of the top corners of the screen.. because This can happen: (Click for a screenshot of a UKTL match the StarSlayers fought in) - I played the demo back, using FlagCapsHUD!
-Shows all of your team's cap times during a match, with color-coding depending on who caps
-Stopwatch shows times in mm:ss.t time format.. with 0.1 second accuracy
-Records and saves your personal 'best' and 'average' times on a per-map basis, as well as your # of caps
-Shows you when the flag is dropped (in red), and flashes yellow to indicate when the flag will be returned
-HUD automatically resizes, adding a line for every cap
-Option to auto-announce your cap time via Public- or Team-Say, along with a cool "custom" voice
-HUD stays up after map ends so you can review your cap times
-Full configuration via zear's NewOpts (not required but strongly recomended)
1. Download FlagCapsHUD! below! If you don't have PrestoPack, get it! If you don't have ObjectiveHUD, get it! If you don't have NewOpts, get it!
2. Unzip file to your tribes directory! All the files will be put in the right places! (FlagCapsHUD.cs and FlagCapsHUD.vol go into tribes\config\cowboy\ directory)
3. Make sure Crunchy's "ObjectiveTrak" is installed. The ObjectiveHUD HUD itself need not be displayed, but must be installed for FlagCapsHUD! to be able to read the flag events!
4. Add the line Include("cowboy\\FlagCapsHUD.cs"); to your Autoexec.cs line after the exec("presto\\install.cs"); line... (and after the Include("NewOpts\\install.cs"); line if that's installed)
5. If you have NewOpts installed, set your keys and options in the FlagCapsHUD! options Page! Otherwise, set these to whatever you want in HUDtris.cs in the 'Key Bindings' section...