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File - Objective HUD v2.7
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Developer Crunchy
Last Update Jan 14, 2009 - 19:45
Version 2.7
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Objective HUD v2.7
27th June 2000

Presto Pack v0.93 or later
Zear's NewOpts v0.966 or later
Writer's Support Pack v4.0.4 BETA or later
ObjectiveTrak v3.3 or later

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The first zip file has everything you need for Objective HUD. Read the Readme_ObjectiveHUD.txt for installation instructions. The second zip file is ObjectiveTrak, it's this resource that provides the data needed by Objective HUD.


Objective HUD displays information about the objectives in the current mission. It is similar to the objectives screen but it is in a compact HUD that stays on your screen at all times. You can glance at the HUD and find out everything you need to know, without having to stop and bring up the objectives screen. The HUD has more features than the objectives screen, such as flag counters.

The script gets it's information about the objectives in various ways. You can run ObjectiveExtract.exe in your Tribes\base\missions\ directrory which makes info files the script can use. However if you play on a mission you don't have the script learns about the mission and then saves what it knows about the mission when the map changes. The next time you play that mission the HUD loads the data and away you go. If you play on a BWAdmin mod server the script takes advantages of it's script support. The mod lets the script get access to all the information about the objectives. This means the mod will provide the HUD with info about all the objectives and their exact status.

CTF - (Redesigned in v2.5)

Your flag is represented by a green flag and enemy flags are red. The center square shows the status of the flag. If the square is black then the flag is at its base. When someone takes the flag the center colour relects which team has the flag, if it's green your team has the flag, if it's red an enemy team has that flag. If the box is yellow then the status of that flag is unknown, this happens when you join a server and the match has already started.

The text next to the icon is the text for that flag, Your flag if it's your flag, Enemy flag otherwise. There is the option to change this text to the team name. Your flag is always the first flag in the list of flags, no matter what team you are on.

If a flag is being carried the text changes to show which player has the flag. If the flag is dropped the text changes to "Dropped! (48)". The 48 is a countdown in seconds till the flag is returned.


These objectives have a switch symbol: red means enemy controled, green means your team has control and black means neutral (ie start of the game). If you join mid-game then the script won't know the status of the objectives, which is indicated by a yellow colour.


These objectives appear as generator symbols. Red means destroyed, green means safe. Again yellow means unknown. Both the enemy and friendly objectives start out green and will turn red once destroyed. If you set the abbreviate preference to true a green player symbol next to the status symbol means it is one of your objectives, defend it! If the player symbol is red, this objective should be destroyed!

New in v2.5:
There is an option to use more specific icons for the objectives, instead of the generic generator symbol. The icons show you the difference between generators, radars, turrets and stations.


When a flag is at a stand it has a grey background, if a player is carrying it, it will have a yellow background. The center square indicates the location of the flag. A black square means it is at it's initial position. A flag at your base has a green square and any flags the enemy has have a red square. When the flag is being carried the square reflects the team of the carrier, green for friendly, red for enemy.

New in v2.5:
The text is normally the name of the flag. When a player is carrying the flag it changes to the players name. There is also a flag counter for when the flags are taken, eg: North Flag/129.

Changes in v2.7
Optional timer showing how long someone has had the flag. Useful for deciding when a flag stand off has developed.
Now uses Writer's support pack.

Changes in v2.6
Added option to abbreviate team names.
Added option to change the dropped flag value, useful for modded servers.
Now gets the F&R flag timer value from the server messages, was hard coded before.

Changes in v2.5
Autoloading volume file.
Makes use of extensions in ObjectiveTrak v3.0.
Added a dropped flag countdown which starts blinking when within 10 secs of flag return.
Redesigned the CTF flag icons to be clearer and more consistent.
Your flag always appears on a line before the enemy flag now, making it easier to distinguish the flags.
Added option to display team names instead of Your flag and Enemy flag.
F&R flag timer.
Displays player name when an F&R flag is being carried.
Presto showed me how to get the control characters to display properly :). So <oep>Nachoking will now display properly. Without the fix it would look like Nachoking.
The lines clip neatly at the edge, again thanks to Presto for the solution :).
You can now bind a key to reset the objectives, use it when you join mid-game and know the objectives are neutral. It's impossible for the script to find this out for itself.
Option to use specific icons for the different types of D&amp;D objective.
Works with Balanced and Open Call missions properly.
Works with Multiple Team missions.
Works 100% with HUD mover.
Now uses Schedule.cs for safe scheduling.

Changes in v2.4
HUDMover friendly (you CAN teach an old dog new tricks :).
Rewritten update routine so that only the lines that need to be updated are updated. This should help with CPU lag, especially with lots of objectives.
If ppl have control characters in their name this could mess up the display, these are now replaced with valid ones. Eg: <oep>Nachoking becomes [oep]Nachoking. The name is also stripped of any leading or trailing spaces by using String::trim from NewOpts.
Various bug fixes and changes, esp regarding events.

Changes in v2.3.2
Added eventObjectiveHUDResize (used by TeamScore HUD).
When observing, CTF flags are displayed with the team name (if known) instead of "Enemy flag" (change in ObjectiveTrak).
Changed dropped flag icon to be clearer and more consistent with the other icons.

Changes in v2.3.1
Fixed bug where options screen would mess up if used in a resolution other than 640x480.

Changes in v2.3
Added options page for Zear's NewOpts! Thanks to Zear for NewOpts :)
Saves and loads last preferences, so you set 'em once and they stick :)
Options can be set on the fly and the HUD updates properly.
Solved the "messed up HUD" bug by puting each line into a SimGui::Control so that they are clipped properly, Thanks to Cowboy for the idea! Thanks to Zear for his gui docs!
Moved location of the bmps to their own directory, if you installed a previous version you can remove the bmps in the Tribes\Crunchy dir, they are now in the bmp dir.

Changes in v2.2.1
Client message parser didn't check to see if the message was from the server. D'oh :) (this is actually a change in ObjectiveTrak but it's important it was fixed)

Changes in v2.2
Added optional CTF flag support!
Fixed minor bug in blinking code (the code to make the names blink, didn't mean I was fed up with it :)
Stopped two consecutive updates to same objective making the blinking schedules clash.

Changes in v2.1.1
Fixed bug where HUD wouldn't be updated if no objectives loaded.

Changes in v2.1
Overcome 8 bitmap limit by having a seperate object per line. Thanks Cowboy for the suggestion!
Added preference for user to decide if the HUD should always come on, or only when toggled with a key, or when there are objectives on a mission.
Added option to abbreviate objective names and thus make the HUD a lot smaller.
Objectives blink for a few seconds when they have been updated.
Preferences can be put in a seperate file and they will override preferences in this file.
Some changes on what functions were attached to events and where.

Changes in v2.0.1
HUD comes on automatically at start of any mission type. The HUD is useful for most missions.

What no v1.0?
Version 1 worked with ObjectiveTrak v1.0 which only tracked C&amp;H objectives. I generalised the tracking script to track any objectives.
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