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File - CmdHUD 1.3a
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Developer "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Last Update Feb 25, 2024 - 02:13
Version 1.3a
Size 15KB
Type ZIP
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File Tags command  commander  hud  map  
CmdHUD 1.3a (updated 6/3/99)

Have you ever been at an Inventory Station or had the Commander Map up when, all of a sudden, the enemy walks right up in front of you and blows you to kingdom come? You didn't even see him coming... Well, I've got just what you need! CmdHUD gives your Commander Map screen and Inventory screen a whole new look! 

Updates in 1.3a:
-Got fed up, and got rid of the disappearing/reappearing Station inventory screen! (it's always on now), small caveat, but this way it doesn't interfere with Writer's fast_favorites.cs. If you want to, you can even just install the 2 .gui files as instructed, and not install the CmdHUD.cs script (if you like the way the GUIs look, but don't want the script installed...
-Added TeeniCam! This little HUD (inspired by CamHUD) displays a small playGui screen under the green Command Panel when you have CmdHUD's full-size map displayed!

-Full-size Play Gui view underneath the Command Map / Inventory Screens
-Toggle between Mouse-Cursor and Mouse Free-Look modes
-2 different Commander Map sizes
-Virtually unlimited Key-Binding options
-Full support for screen resizing

Screenshots: (click on thumbnail for 800x600 screesnshot)
Large Command Map
Large Command Map

Small Command Map
Small Command Map

Commander HUD
Commander Hud

Inventory Screen
Inventory Screen

Tribes Default (ugh!)
Tribes Default


First of all, PLEASE BE CAREFUL! CmdHUD is for ADVANCED Tribes users! If you don't do this right, you can potentially hose your Tribes install!

1. Download the latest CmdHUD below! If you don't have PrestoPack, get it here!
2. Unzip the file (with subdirectories) into your tribes\ directory. ( command.gui and cmdinventory.gui will go into the tribes\gui\ directory, and any other files will go into the tribes\config\cowboy\ directory.)
3. Add the line: Include("cowboy\\CmdHUD.cs"); to your autoexec.cs file somewhere AFTER the exec("presto\\install.cs"); line.
4. Set $PrestoPref::InvCamera = false in presto\pretoprefs.cs
5. Edit CmdHUD.cs as needed, making sure all the options are set up as you want them!

Tips for Use, Default Keys:

The default keys for the Map, Inventory, and Objective screens are set to C, I, and O respectively. If you want to toggle between Mouse Cursor mode and Free Look mode, press ENTER. The default key binding for C loads the last used map in the last used cursor mode. Pressing ] loads the Large Map in Mouse Cursor mode, and pressing [ loads the Small Map in Free Look mode. All these bindings, as well as many display settings, can be changed by editing the CmdHUD.cs file.

My apologies, but the 'zoom' and 'center' features in the Commander Map screen DO NOT WORK anymore. It has something to do with the way Tribes handles having 2 different map sizes. Sorry!


Please make sure CmdHUD is being loaded correctly! When Tribes first starts up, press the ~ key at the main menu to bring up the console. If you see a line that says: cowboy\CmdHUD.cs Line: xxx - Syntax Error, something is wrong in CmdHUD.cs at line xxx. You need to fix this! (If you are not a programmer, look around at the surrounding lines and see if you can see any inconsistencies, maybe you left out a " or a ; somewhere.)

Also, make sure when you unzipped it, that command.gui and cmdinventory.gui were put into the tribes\gui\ directory, and all other files were put into the tribes\config\cowboydirectory.

There have been some compatibility problems between CmdHUD and other scripts. In order to find out if it is a compatibility issue, I suggest commenting out every line except for the PrestoPack and CmdHUD lines, and trying Tribes that way (or try this autoexec.cs). If this fixes the problem, add in your other scripts one by one until the problem reoccurs. If it doesn't, fantastic! If it does, you've found the culprit...

Versions of Writer's station_events.cs older than 2.3 have known problems with CmdHUD (the randomly-appearing Inventory Screen bug), get the latest version here. Also, because of the way Writer's fast_favorites.cs works, sometimes you have to press 'i' twice to view the inventory screen while at a station. This has to do with the way he uses remoteval(2048, GuiMode). (maybe he can fix this?)

Again, make sure you are running PrestoPack 0.93 or greater!

Removing CmdHUD:

Hopefully, it won't come to this, but if you want to remove CmdHUD from your Tribes setup, you can just delete the 4 files that were installed from the CmdHUD zipfile, and remove the line: Include("cowboy\\CmdHUD.cs"); from your autoexec.cs file. This stops CmdHUD from loading. You may also have to re-bind your commander, inventory, and objective screen keys in the Tribes Options menu.

Trials and Errors:

Well, I saw what Zear did with his CmdHUD, so I figured I'd do up an InvHUD so people can have a much larger view around them at an inventory station! Then, I looked at the CmdHUD and cleaned it up a little, and also made some of the windows the same size/location between the 2 GUIs.

Next was trying to get it to resize! I got everything to resize, but much to my dismay, every time you resized the window, all the playGui objects (clock display, sensor ping, compass, etc) would do a 'snap to edge' and get fully messed up. Presto had an idea: to place all of these 'wandering Huds' in a separate frame, that wouldn't resize like the playGui. I had already tried this but I didn't succeed.. but after a few days, I tried it again, because I knew if I didn't do it, someone else might have and _they_ would get all the credit... and lo! It worked! Wooooo baby! :)

Then.. people wanted to be able to use both the new small map AND the large one from the original command.gui, I tried many different things.. i had it so that it actually GuiPushDialog()'ed the old Command Gui screen onto the MainWindow, but this was unreliable, not to mention _every_ time you wanted to go back to that it had to be reloaded and rebuilt (even if it was the last map displayed). So then I had the script create 2 FearGui::TSCommander objects, one for each map size, in Simgui::Control objects, but the large map couldn't resize, and if you made the window too small it would crash Tribes (and although this worked fine for me and other people, i wanted it to be able to FULLY resize on-the-fly).. So what I finally did is code into the Gui 2 different Simgui::Control objects (one for each map, both opaque, and the large one resizes) then I add the appropriate FearGui::TSCommander maps into each window and rebuild.

The real trouble with that is that Tribes wouldn't give me the Object IDs of the Simgui::Control objects (even though I named them, and knew where they were) This was very frustrating.. I was ready to call it quits when Presto suggested that since Simgui::Control objects are also sets (where the objects it owns are the members), maybe I could get individual IDs of members of a set whose ID I _could_ get (CommandGui). This worked! so, here ya go!

All content ©1999-2003 "Cowboy" Ben Alman, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
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