This script is (IMHO) the ultimate in auto chat message scripts. All options and controls are configurable from the TRIBES in-game options screen. It contains the following features:
-Presto script banner (to massage my swollen ego :p).
-On\Off toggle! Default keys are Ctrl+Tab, MultiMessage is *ON* by default.
-On screen status pop-up window that displays the name of the current plug-in in use.
-Message Script plug-in support and plug-in auto-detect.
-It thanks people who repair you.
-It apologizes for causing team damage.
-It tells your teammates to watch their shooting when they damage you and acknowledges the apologies of other MM users (and some who just use a TeamDamage message script).
-It alerts your team when you begin and complete repairs to anything other than yourself and changes your icon on TeamHUD to reflect your actions.
-It alerts you team when the power is out when you try to use an unpowered ammo or inventory station.
-It annouces when your are placing deployables and changes you TeamHUD icon to reflect your actions.
-It alerts your team when you grab the enemy flag (with a delay, just in case you get creamed in the first few seconds after you grab it).
-It cheers 50% of the time when your team scores a cap, cheer is detrimined randomly.
-It cheers 100% of the time when you personally score a cap. BOTH cheers are yelled on a slight delay to avoid overlapping Tribes cap sound.
-It alerts your team when your flag is taken.
-It scoffs at snipers who kill you.
-It gives a random taunt when you make a sniper kill.
-FlagAnnouce concept courtesy of Crunchy. For full credits view the script source code.