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File - mHUD v5.0
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Developer "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Last Update Sep 22, 2011 - 20:30
Version 5.0
Size 41.5KB
Type ZIP
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File Tags hud  reticle  switcher  
mHUD 5.0: The Official *Automatic* Reticle / Rangefinder Switcher!

Presto Pack v0.93 or later
Zear's NewOpts v0.966 or later

Latest Updates:
5.0 - Made mHUD NewOpts compatible.. now it's SUPER-EASY to configure! Fixed a few bugs too! :)
4.4 - Added support for a separate Scout reticle (when used in conjunction with Writer's pilot_mode.cs script), and Writer sent me his scout reticle to include! Also, added Plasma Gun reticle and worked in more flexibility with Writer's zoom.cs keys binding!
4.3 - Completely fixed the bug where certain items in CmdHUD's inventory and command map screens wouldn't be selectable!
4.2a - I think I fixed the problem where the repair pack reticle was always displayed, let me know if it still happens!

-You can bind the sniper zoom key in the NewOpts page to get rangefinders to disappear if you were zooming in, the 1st/3rd person toggle key so that it'll turn off the mHUD display when you are in 3rd person mode (fixed), a key to force the Mortar rangefinder on (use it if you're at a commander station and using a Mortar Turret!)
-You can disable either the reticles, rangefinders, or both (why?) in the NewOpts page, if you so desire.
-Added support for a separate Scout reticle (when used in conjunction with Writer's pilot_mode.cs script), and Writer sent me his reticle to include. Also, added more flexability with Writer's zoom.cs keys binding!
-I've included 'overlay' Reticles for Plasma Gun, Chaingun, Disc Launcher, Laser Rifle, ELF Gun, Targeting Laser, and Repair Gun (as well as Mortar & Grenade Launcher rangefinders, and some Mod weapons now)
-Supports different Mortar & Grenade Launcher rangefinders for each major resolution (Presto did 640x480, I did 800x600, Mannkind did 1024x768) If you use a different resolution, you can make your own!
-Completely fixed the bug where certain items in CmdHUD's inventory and command map screens wouldn't be selectable!
-Reticles are now 'overlays' and ADD to the default cursor! use your own personal favorite default (or use mine) and any cursor you make ADDS to your existing one! (if you want, you can set it up the old way, but I'm not going to provide support for that anymore)
-Different reticles possible for each base weapon, including definitions for any mod weapons you want to add (I also did one for 'Repair Gun'!)
-Supports resize-on-the-fly! (uses Presto's functions)
-All reticle sizes are now 63 pixels wide! It turns out that larger sizes would overlap CmdHUD commander and inventory panels! That's no good!

I have now seen how some other people have made multiple crosshairs scripts, but the problem I have noticed is that they overwrite existing .bmps with their own - and if Tribes was to display that .bmp for whatever it was actually designed for, it would actually display the 'custom reticle' there! This is one solution to the transparent bitmap situation, but in my opinion, not the best... I have defined tags for 40 transparent bitmaps, for potential future use in mHUD (I've only used about 15 so far)

...Early on the 5th of May, I figured out how exactly to make transparent reticles (major pain in the butt), and at the same time, GrymReaper gave me his code and reticles for his multiple-crosshair selection script, so I naturally had to incorporate it all into one SUPER-mHUD! :) I hope you enjoy it! - And special thanks to GrymReaper !

Screenshots: (click on thumbnail for 800x600 screesnshot)

Laser Rifle Crosshair

Chaingun Crosshair

Disc Launcher Crosshair

Repair Gun Crosshair

Mortar Rangefinder

Grenade Rangefinder

1. Download the latest mHUD below! If you don't have PrestoPack, get it above! Get Zear's NewOpts above! If you use Writer's scripts, get the latest pilot_mode.cs here!
2. Unzip the file (with subdirectories) into your tribes\ directory. (most of the files will be put into the tribes\config\cowboy\ directory, and h_reticle.bmp will be put into your tribes\base\ directory. This will overwrite any custom reticle you already have in there, so be sure to make a backup! Note that you can use your own h_reticle.bmp now, as the reticles that mHUD displays are 'overlays' and merely add to what's already there!)
3. Add the line: Include("cowboy\\mHUD.cs"); to your autoexec.cs file somewhere AFTER the exec("presto\\install.cs"); line.
4. If you use Writer's scripts, make sure to get the latest pilot_mode.cs from his page and follow his install directions!
5. Make sure Writer's mhud_mod.cs script is NOT loaded. I have had lots of emails about weird bugs in mHUD that were fixed by removing mhud_mod.cs! It is no longer needed, thanks!
6. Start Tribes up and configure mHUD in the NewOpts page.


[QB]Scourge sent me some reticles/rangefinders he made as an "add-on" to mHUD! You can download them here.. There is a readme in the .zip file, look through that first, and if you have any questions, email him here. And if you have any reticle "sets" - send them to me.. I'll post them here! (Don't just send single reticles though, only mHUD reticle and/or rangefinder sets, thanks)


Use the NewOpts page! Thanks!


Please make sure mHUD is being loaded correctly! When Tribes first starts up, press the ~ key at the main menu to bring up the console. If you see a line that says: cowboy\mHUD.cs Line: xxx - Syntax Error, something is wrong in mHUD.cs at line xxx. You need to fix this! (If you are not a programmer, look around at the surrounding lines and see if you can see any inconsistencies, maybe you left out a " or a ; somewhere.)

If you find that everything seems alright but mHUD just doesn't work at all, make sure the files are in the correct directories! Most of the files will be put into the tribes\config\cowboydirectory, and h_reticle.bmp will be put into your tribes\base\ directory! This is the single most common problem users have with mHUD, and is VERY easy to fix!

Make sure Writer's mhud_mod.cs script is NOT loaded. I have had lots of emails about weird bugs in mHUD that were fixed by removing mhud_mod.cs! It is no longer needed, thanks!

And make sure you are running PrestoPack 0.93 or greater!

Removing mHUD:

Hopefully, it won't come to this, but if you want to remove mHUD from your Tribes setup, you can just delete all the files that were installed from the mHUD zipfile, and remove the line: Include("cowboy\\mHUD.cs"); from your autoexec.cs file. This stops mHUD from loading.

All content ©1999-2003 "Cowboy" Ben Alman, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
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